Friday, November 4, 2011
Check out my newest Chick-Lit short, "Oh, Baby"!
Lainey Walker has a loving family, a bright future as a lawyer, and biological clock that's ticking like a time bomb. Medical issues make it necessary for her to get pregnant now, but without a husband or boyfriend on the horizon, she's on the hunt for a donor. Will the gorgeous partner in her new law firm fit the bill, or will she find that her perfect baby daddy has been under her nose all along?
Purchase for only $.99!
Oh, Baby!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
New Kindles--Hells Yeah!
Amazon Unveils New $79 E-Ink Kindle, $99 Kindle Touch
Chris Velazco
posted on September 28th, 2011
Looks like the Kindle Fire wasn’t all Amazon had planned for us. Amazon has revealed a new line of E-Ink Kindles that looks to bolster their “traditional” eReader lineup. The three new models have taken the stage: the $79 Kindle, the $99 Kindle Touch, and the $149 Kindle Touch 3G.
The new super small, non-touch Kindle was announced to appeal to Amazon’s legion of eReading purists. It’s small enough to fit in a pack pocket, and will cost users a scant $79 — customers can order today, and Amazon says it will ship today too. While it retains physical buttons, Amazon’s traditional Kindle keyboard is gone. In order to drive the price that low, the new Kindle also comes packed with Amazon’s Special Offers and their Amazon Local deals service.
The Kindle Touch features an IR touch system that’s similar to the one seen in the most recent Nook, and squeezes it into a body that’s both smaller and lighter than the current model. By going touchscreen, the Kindle Touch does away with the classic Kindle design and instead goes for a very unassuming form factor. The Kindle Touch also sports a new feature called X-Ray, which provides “more than just definitions.” It seeks to give users context by providing Wikipedia info without having to switch into a browser.
Amazon is going aggressive with the pricing here: the Kindle Touch will go for $99 — a super-enticing price point by any stretch, but one that’s probably going to ensure these things fly off the shelves come the holidays.
The Kindle Touch will also come in a global-friendly 3G model which will run $149 — not a bad price considering users get a free lifetime of data in 100 countries. Both units are available for pre-order today, but units will ship starting shipping on November 21.
Amazon’s eReader lineup has gotten a tremendous shot in the arm with everything that’s happened today. While the Fire seems primed to take on both Apple’s iPad and BN’s Nook Color line, the new E-Ink Kindles aim to keep the old-school Kindle fans loyal to the brand.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Celebrate Evernight's Anniversary
Hop around and win some freebies! Leave a comment, and you will be eligible to win a free copy of "Intimate Friends"! Good Luck!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Great Review of Intimate Friends from Whipped Cream Reviews
4.5 cherries!
"Intimate Friends is a story of friends who are secretly crushing on each other but lack the assertiveness to approach the other. When one of them finds that assertiveness, the fireworks begin.
Emma is a serious minded schoolteacher who dreams of studying Chaucer in England. She’s crushing on Noah whose “dorky good looks charm her.” Well, right there the story wins my love because I like non-standard situations. I also like when an author writes a good beta hero. Noah is definitely that! He’s sensitive and bookish but strong when he needs to be. In addition to being a beta-best-friend type, he’s also sort of an absent-minded professor type, in the most charming way possible.
But love for these two is blossoming just as Emily is poised to make a change of life decision that she has been dreaming of forever and their love seems doomed. Still they cannot resist consummating their fierce desires for each other. The sex was hot and just what one would expect from an erotic romance. There was plenty of emotion and angst as the story progresses. Lots of creative vanilla naughtiness between them.
There are no external baddies who make trouble for the couple. All their conflict comes from their conflicting desires. This is wonderful character driven romance. Ms. Matthews does a great job of showing their developing love and how they come to solve their differences and find their way to a happy ending.
For anyone who ever had a secret crush on their math teacher, for anyone who ever wondered what happens when nerdy but attractive two schoolteachers get together, Ms. Matthews delivers the scoop. For those who like their sweet and sexy mixed together in just the right measure, don’t miss this one."
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Sunday Snog--9/4/11
Today's snog comes, once again, from my current WIP:
“Wait, Lainey--are you crying?”
“Oh, God…I am, aren’t I? I’m sorry, I’m just…” She trailed off, bowing her head in confusion.
“Shhh…” He cradled her against his chest and kissed her hair, and she’d never felt anything sweeter. “It’s okay. You’re okay.”
She slipped her arms around him and snuggled against his chest. She couldn’t get close enough to him. “Beck...” Her voice was low, ragged. She hardly recognized it. Finally, she pulled back and looked into his wide eyes. “What are we doing? I don’t even know how I feel about you. I don’t even know how you feel about me.”
“Yes, you do.” His gaze held hers. “Yes, you do.”
Her stomach executed a perfect flip, and she returned her mouth to his, kissing him with more and more heat, her head tilting to find the perfect angle, as she reached under the hem of his T-shirt and pulled it up high under his arms. God, his skin was so hot, almost like he had a fever. She broke their kiss and reached to touch her lips to his collarbone, then down, until she reached his nipple and teased it gently with her teeth. He let out a stuttering breath and slid his hands down her hips, grabbing her ass and crushing himself against her heat. Zings of pleasure shot down her spine, and she slid to his other nipple greedily, her hands grasping big wads of his shirt, almost ripping it in her fervid state.
For more great Sunday Snogs, go to Victoria Blisse's Website
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Sunday Snog-8/28/11
Today's Sunday Snog comes from my current WIP:
And now they weren't kids anymore, and he wanted to kiss her. He wanted to kiss her so badly, he couldn't tear his eyes from her mouth. Perhaps his thoughts were loud enough to hear, because she bent forward and placed her lips on his cheek.
“Get some sleep, then.” She began to pull back, then hesitated, like she'd changed her mind. She leaned back in and placed her lips on the edge of his mouth, just as he'd done that night at Beach Bums. Oh, God. She smelled like apricots, from her shampoo or hand lotion or something, and without even thinking, he turned his head, no more than an inch, and their lips were joined. They both froze with the shock of it, until Beck tilted his head slightly, and their mouths were joined even more perfectly, if such a thing was possible. He boldly ran the tip of his tongue against the seam of her lips, and they parted to allow him entry.
Jesus. He'd never tasted anything so wonderful. The soft-firm pressure of her mouth on his shot hot waves through his belly. Her tongue was wet and smooth and perfect, and he wanted to suck it in his mouth and bite it. Hard. The thought made his cock twitch with longing, and he was suddenly grateful that Henry was still tucked beside him on the couch, a fifty-pound shield between Lainey and the growing evidence of his lustful fantasies.
Lainey pulled away, and they stared at each other with wide, wild eyes. Whoa.
“Beck.” Her voice was low, made him even harder.
She shook her head, as if trying to clear it, then gave him a shy smile. “Good night.”
“Good night, sweetheart.” He meant it as a joke, like before, when they were pretending to be a couple. But his voice betrayed him—it didn't sound like a joke at all.
“Am I your sweetheart?”
Holy shit. Holy shit. “Of course you are.”
For more great Sunday Snogs, head on over to
Friday, August 26, 2011
Review of Intimate Friends by Smexy Books!
Last week, I read a review of Intimate Friends by Claire Matthews at Fiction Vixen. I read the words – friends to lovers and that the hero is a beta math professor and decided I had to read this novella – I love nerdy heroes. My mini review:
A friends to lovers story, that is really cute. Both Noah and Emma are quite shy and quiet. Noah is recently divorced and Emma has just come out of a long term relationship. Both teachers, they spend a lot of time together at the same school – and both pretty much have eyes for the other.
I think this book could have been much cuter if it had been longer. The conflict rests with the fact that Emma has an opportunity to go study in England. Once they tumble into bed (where Noah isn’t quite as shy – Rawr) Emma is then unsure if she should go. I just think it needed more pages for this uncertainty to be explored.
Otherwise, this is a cute, quick book (47 pages). I will definitely check out this author again. (Goodreads, Amazon)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Review of Intimate Friends at Smitten With Reading!
It's no secret that this is my favorite trope...friends to lovers. This is another good one!
After running into her ex-boyfriend with his new fiance, Emma has spent the afternoon drowning her sorrows forgetting her evening plans with Noah. When he arrives, she is drunk, sad, and needing validation. Noah has been in love with Emma forever so when she puts the moves on him, he doesn't have the willpower to turn her away. This one night of passion turns into a powerful affair with incredible sex...the friendship was already there in this relationship, and adding in the incredible sex, just makes everything perfect...except for Emma is about to leave for a 2 year course in England.
Noah was incredible in this book. He always knew exactly what Emma needed when she needed it. When she was feeling awkward, he didn't allow her to wallow in that. Sweet, sexy, funny....really a perfect guy. He knows what he wants with Emma...he's been there mentally for a long time, and now that he has her where he wants her, he is not going to let her go without a fight.
Emma, on the other hand, is not quite there. She is not used to thinking about her buddy Noah as anything other than a friend. The transition is not a smooth one and she has been planning this move for a year month of passion is not enough time to alter her entire life plan.
This is a sweet little read. It doesn't take much time....maybe an hour or two. It's great for a night when you simply need a happy feel-good romance.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
New Review of Intimate Friends at Fiction Vixen!
A- review, which I am THRILLED with!
The perfect way to describe this friends-to-lovers novella is short and sweet. The fact that I enjoyed it and am giving it a high rating is saying something, because normally romance novellas don’t do it for me. With romances, I need substantial character and relationship development, and just by default, it’s very difficult – if not impossible – to deliver that with a short book form like a novella. Claire Matthews’ Intimate Friends proved to be an exception, and an absolutely lovely one at that. One of the things I loved was that from the beginning, Emma and Noah’s friendship feels authentic; you really do get the sense that you’re looking in on two people who know each other very well and care about one another.
Emma and Noah are best friends and teach at the same high school in Austin, Texas. Emma is a friendly girl-next-door type heroine and a lover of English literature; Noah is a sweet beta hero and math teacher, who in many ways appears to be your stereotypical nerd – though that does not extend to the bedroom *wink* *wink*. Both of them ended serious relationships about a year ago and neither has since reentered the dating world. What has happened in the meanwhile is that Noah’s feelings towards Emma have coalesced and grown into full-blown romantic love (see sigh-worthy quote below). He is afraid of jeopardizing their friendship and that Emma does not return his feelings, so despite his love for her, he has so far remained silent on the matter. Until … well, read the book to find out!
The story is so short that writing too much of a summary will make reading it seem repetitive, so I’ll stop there. It’s very enjoyable watching Noah and Emma’s relationship move beyond friendship. One of the things that is a definite plus about novellas is the lack of room to throw in tons of obstacles, Big Misunderstandings, or Things Left Unsaid, and luckily Matthews didn’t even try. The obstacle they do have to overcome is a realistic one that fits with the story and characters. Even when they’re facing it, they’re still open about their feelings for one another – there’s no pretending or covering up or deflecting for their own sake or their partner’s. A hero and heroine acting maturely about their relationship: what a nice change!
Intimate Friends is short – only 47 pages – and as with most novellas, I was left wanting more. However, the fact that I wished it was longer (not shorter), yet greatly enjoyed it despite its (lack of) length, is noteworthy. There are interesting and engaging main characters, sweet scenes, funny dialogue, and some nice sizzling chemistry: what’s not to like?
Favorite Quote:
"It was so stupid, and random, but at that second, with the morning sun hitting her auburn hair, and her huge brown eyes fixed on him, the lock flew off the “do-not-allow-yourself-to-even-think-about-it” portion of his brain, and every feeling he ever had for her—feelings he never even realized he had for her—flooded over him like a tidal wave. Love, tenderness, desire—it hit him so hard he had to excuse himself, go to the men’s room, rest his forehead against the cool metal of the bathroom stall, breathing heavily, wondering what the hell had just happened. It left him exhausted and spent, as if he’d just run a hundred miles.
And almost a year later, he was still exhausted, spent, frustrated … and madly in love."
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Sunday Snog-8/14/11
Today's Sunday Snog comes from my (currently untitled) WIP:
“God, she's coming, she's coming,” Cam whispered savagely. “Put your arm around her.”
“Wait, what? Now?” Beck was nervous.
“Yes, now!” Cam looked desperate. Beck slung his arm over Lainey's shoulder.
“Now kiss her!”
“Whoa, ho,” said Lainey, leaning back an inch.
“Do it!”
Before she could blink, Beck leaned over and captured her mouth with his. His lips were soft and warm, and tasted like cherries. He cupped the back of her head in his palm. She kept her lips tightly closed, and resisted the urge to pull away. This was Beck. She'd caught him and Cam going through her underwear drawer when they were in junior high. She'd sat in the back seat with him when he was ten years old and broke his arm falling off the roof of their garage. She remembered how he stretched out with his head in her lap while her mom drove them to the hospital. He'd tried so hard not to cry, and she'd pushed his sweaty bangs back from his forehead and told him that everything would be alright. There was no way she could do this.
But he continued, kissing each corner of her mouth, then moving in, until her lips softened without her permission, and blended with his into a sweet caress.
Check out all the other great Sunday Snogs at
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Sunday Snog-8/7/11
From "Making Summer Last," coming October 8th from Secret Cravings Publishing:
They were on the roof of his apartment building, star-gazing, drinking wine. He was sitting cross-legged on the plaid blanket they'd dragged out of his closet, and her head rested in his lap. They sat in companionable silence for a long moment, until he spoke softly, tracing the lines of her forehead with his fingertip.
“You look beautiful in the moonlight, My-My-My Mia.” She grinned at his stuttering endearment.
“Muted light is good to me. You should see me in total darkness, I look like Angelina Jolie,” she joked, suddenly embarrassed by his intense gaze. He continued to study her face, his eyes wide and solemn. “Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“I don't know, serious.” She let her voice boom low at the end. “What are you thinking?”
“Umm...that it'd be cool if I could just sit up here with you forever. I mean, interspersed with eating and sleeping in a real bed and going to Mets games. And sex, of course.”
“Of course,” she echoed, in a well, duh voice.
They were silent for a while, both contemplating his wish, and the deeper meaning of what lay unspoken between them. The words remained unspoken, because they violated the rules of their summer tryst, but when Jonah leaned down and pulled her to him, and kissed her, over and over, soft, slow, deep kisses, she began to wonder how she would go back to she would get up every morning without him...without Gus. Who would call her his-his-his-Mia back home? The Starbucks guy?
For more Sunday Snogs, head on over to
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Sunday Snog
For today's Sunday Snog, I'm including an excerpt from "Intimate Friends", on sale now at Evernight Publishing:
“I'm sorry,” she mumbled.
“For what?”
“I don't know.” She didn't know.
“Emma,” he moved closer, and she felt her heart begin to
flutter, from nerves, from embarrassment, from the memory of what
they'd done the night before. He reached to brush her hair behind her
ear. The touch of his fingers against her cheek sparked the memory of
those same fingers, teasing her nipples, grazing down her ribcage,
slipping between her legs, then reaching up to paint her mouth with
her own slick wetness. Holy crap. She needed to go to class.
“Noah, I've got to go. So do you. We're late.”
He nodded slowly. “Okay.” He squeezed her shoulder gently,
then leaned forward until his lips were almost touching her ear. “But
for what it's worth...I'm not sorry.” And then he turned his head and
kissed her. It was a dirty trick, right in the middle of the break room,
where anyone could walk in. But she couldn't help kissing him back,
smelling his scent, familiar as always, but now somehow new--it
made her shiver. But when she finally leaned into him, to steady
herself, to let him steady her, he wrapped his hands around her upper
arms and moved her back, just an inch. He placed one final,
close-mouthed kiss on her primed lips. “Have a nice class, Emma.”
Then he turned and walked away.
She opened her mouth to say something, then closed it. Then opened and closed it again. Giving up, she crossed her arms, rubbing the skin that Noah had just touched. And she was ten minutes late for class.
Be sure to check out all the Sunday Snogs at:
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Excerpt--"High School Reunion"
Coming soon from Breathless Press:
 “You go first,” Derek said, rolling his head towards her face. They were laying on her bed, fully dressed. Ava lounged with her shoulders on a pillow, while Derek's body made a T across the mattress, his head resting on her stomach.
 “Okay...let's see...when did I first realize it was over with Brian...” She let out a slow breath. “I guess when he called me into his office one afternoon and told me he wanted me to go to Miami for a business trip on my birthday. When I reminded him we had plans that evening, he gave me this impatient, constipated look and said 'Ava, you have a birthday every year. What's the big deal?'”
 “He really said that?” Derek laughed.
 “Yes, he was so romantic. For Valentine's Day one year he bought me a blender. He told me I should start drinking protein shakes, because my abs were getting flabby.”
 “I can't believe you let him get away.”
 “I know, right?” She reached down to play with the unruly curls framing his forehead. “Your turn.”
 “Oh, mine's easy. That would be the night I walked in on her and her personal trainer, doing naked lunges under the sheets.”
 “She cheated on you?” Ava's voice was incredulous. “God, Derek, I'm so sorry. That must have been horrible!”
 “Well, it was and it wasn't. I mean, neither of us was happy. In a way it just made things easier. We could blame the whole divorce on her cheating, instead of admitting to ourselves that we never should have gotten married in the first place.”
 “I bet your parents were upset,” Ava said in a tight voice.
 “Yeah, they loved Beth. They kept begging me to give her another chance. Can you imagine? Like, sure, she betrayed me, but if I divorced her, where would we ever find a fourth for tennis?”
 They were silent for a moment, until Ava spoke quietly. “I just can't believe she cheated on you.”
 “Well, who else would she cheat on, the UPS guy?”
 “No, I mean...well, you know what I mean. You're perfect. I just don't get it.”
 “I'm not perfect, Ava.”
 “You are, you're just too perfectly humble to admit it. Your gorgeous, and smart, and rich...”
 “I'm not rich, my parents are rich.” He lifted his head from her stomach and sat up.
 “Oh, that is so something rich people say!”
 “Ava, don't make me out to be perfect,” he said. “Perfect people don't get to make mistakes, or be in a bad mood, or forget to put the toilet seat down.”
 “You leave the toilet seat up?”
 “It's happened. I'm not proud of it.”
 “Then I take it all back. You're weak and flawed.”
 “I am,” he murmured, bending over her, pulling up her blouse and placing his lips on the smooth skin below her belly button.
 “What are you doing?” she asked, cupping the back of his head with her palm.
 “Kissing your flabby abs.”
 “You go first,” Derek said, rolling his head towards her face. They were laying on her bed, fully dressed. Ava lounged with her shoulders on a pillow, while Derek's body made a T across the mattress, his head resting on her stomach.
 “Okay...let's see...when did I first realize it was over with Brian...” She let out a slow breath. “I guess when he called me into his office one afternoon and told me he wanted me to go to Miami for a business trip on my birthday. When I reminded him we had plans that evening, he gave me this impatient, constipated look and said 'Ava, you have a birthday every year. What's the big deal?'”
 “He really said that?” Derek laughed.
 “Yes, he was so romantic. For Valentine's Day one year he bought me a blender. He told me I should start drinking protein shakes, because my abs were getting flabby.”
 “I can't believe you let him get away.”
 “I know, right?” She reached down to play with the unruly curls framing his forehead. “Your turn.”
 “Oh, mine's easy. That would be the night I walked in on her and her personal trainer, doing naked lunges under the sheets.”
 “She cheated on you?” Ava's voice was incredulous. “God, Derek, I'm so sorry. That must have been horrible!”
 “Well, it was and it wasn't. I mean, neither of us was happy. In a way it just made things easier. We could blame the whole divorce on her cheating, instead of admitting to ourselves that we never should have gotten married in the first place.”
 “I bet your parents were upset,” Ava said in a tight voice.
 “Yeah, they loved Beth. They kept begging me to give her another chance. Can you imagine? Like, sure, she betrayed me, but if I divorced her, where would we ever find a fourth for tennis?”
 They were silent for a moment, until Ava spoke quietly. “I just can't believe she cheated on you.”
 “Well, who else would she cheat on, the UPS guy?”
 “No, I mean...well, you know what I mean. You're perfect. I just don't get it.”
 “I'm not perfect, Ava.”
 “You are, you're just too perfectly humble to admit it. Your gorgeous, and smart, and rich...”
 “I'm not rich, my parents are rich.” He lifted his head from her stomach and sat up.
 “Oh, that is so something rich people say!”
 “Ava, don't make me out to be perfect,” he said. “Perfect people don't get to make mistakes, or be in a bad mood, or forget to put the toilet seat down.”
 “You leave the toilet seat up?”
 “It's happened. I'm not proud of it.”
 “Then I take it all back. You're weak and flawed.”
 “I am,” he murmured, bending over her, pulling up her blouse and placing his lips on the smooth skin below her belly button.
 “What are you doing?” she asked, cupping the back of his head with her palm.
 “Kissing your flabby abs.”
Monday, July 11, 2011
Squee--I love new covers
Here's the cover from my upcoming release with Secret Cravings Publishing, "Making Summer Last." It's part of their Weekend Getaway Series, and is scheduled for release on October 8th.
Six Sentence...Monday?
Sorry, I couldn't get on blogger yesterday, so here is my tardy installment of Six Sentence Sunday. Also, since it's late, I'm going more than six sentences. So sue me, I've never been good with rules.
From my latest WIP, An Unexpected Love:
“God, Lexi, you feel so good. I've never felt like this.” He leaned down to kiss my nipple through the silk of my bra. He teased it with his teeth. How did he know how much I loved that?
“ was passable.” I leaned my head back against the file cabinet and grinned.
“Better than with that asshole Brogan,” he growled.
“He was mediocre. With you it was passable.”
“Bullshit. You never came so hard. You know it. Admit it.” Dan was teasing me. I giggled, and believe me, I am not a girl who giggles.
“Dan, I scratched a highway map on your back. You might need a tetanus shot. It was indescribably good.” He gave me a look that was full of male ego, and I laughed, and kissed his forehead.
“Tell me again,” he demanded.
“It was great sex!” I yelled, feigning exasperation.
“No, not that.”
“Then what?”
“You know what.”
“Oh Dan,” I sighed, cupping his face in my hands. “I love you more than you'll ever know.”
From my latest WIP, An Unexpected Love:
“God, Lexi, you feel so good. I've never felt like this.” He leaned down to kiss my nipple through the silk of my bra. He teased it with his teeth. How did he know how much I loved that?
“ was passable.” I leaned my head back against the file cabinet and grinned.
“Better than with that asshole Brogan,” he growled.
“He was mediocre. With you it was passable.”
“Bullshit. You never came so hard. You know it. Admit it.” Dan was teasing me. I giggled, and believe me, I am not a girl who giggles.
“Dan, I scratched a highway map on your back. You might need a tetanus shot. It was indescribably good.” He gave me a look that was full of male ego, and I laughed, and kissed his forehead.
“Tell me again,” he demanded.
“It was great sex!” I yelled, feigning exasperation.
“No, not that.”
“Then what?”
“You know what.”
“Oh Dan,” I sighed, cupping his face in my hands. “I love you more than you'll ever know.”
Saturday, July 9, 2011
We have a Winner!
The winner of Evernight Publishing's blog hop giveaway at my site is Barbara Hightower! Thanks for following, Barbara! You've won a pdf copy of my upcoming release, "Intimate Friends".
I'll be in contact soon with your download--thanks to everyone for participating!
I'll be in contact soon with your download--thanks to everyone for participating!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Happy Birthday, Total-E-Bound!
It's Total-e-Bound's birthday, and they are celebrating by giving readers 25% off purchases on July 8th! You know you wanna go over there and buy a copy of Turn To You. So just go ahead. I'll wait.
From my current, untitled WIP
 “Sorry,” I said. “My grandmother taught me to cook. She was a bit of a germaphobe. 'Wash your hands, you'll get a stomachache,' she'd say. That and 'Don't eat bananas after five o-clock.' Oh, and 'If your lips itch, it means you want to be kissed.'”
 Dan stopped drying his hands on the dishtowel. “How do your lips feel?” He was right behind me. I turned around, expecting to see a teasing gleam in his eyes, but they weren't teasing. At all.
 “They might be a little itchy,” I whispered. He was so close. He smelled really, really good. I followed the nervous dip of his Adams apple, then reached up and pressed my lips to his cheek.
 “Lexi,” he breathed.
 “Kiss me.” He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. That wasn't what I meant.
 He opened his mouth to speak, but words didn't come.
 “What?” I prompted.
 “If I kiss you, I'll never stop.” I took a stuttering breath as he traced the curve of my jaw with his finger. His eyes were so dark—they went right through me. I reached for his hand and placed it on my cheek.
 That touch, or something in my eyes, must have released whatever was left of his reticence, because suddenly I was in his arms, his embrace tight, his lips hot and demanding on mine. Our mouths opened at the same time, as if by agreement, and we wrestled each other with our tongues. His had a sharp, frantic taste, and it made me gasp with pleasure.
 His lips still on mine, he began to drag me from the kitchen. I reached blindly for the stove, twisting off the burner under the saucepan so I didn't torch the place.
 “Hmph,” he grunted against my mouth, congratulating me on my display of fire safety. We made it to the couch, and I shoved his shirt up, high on his chest. My hands explored the contours of his body, caressing the sexy spattering of dark curls, tiny c's traveling down his stomach. He was trim and hard, his shoulders broad, hips narrow, as if he spent his days doing gymnastics instead of writing market analyses. He growled low in his throat as I scraped my nails across his ribcage.
 As I moved closer to his waistband, he diverted me, pushing me down and kissing my cheeks and throat. Then he laced my fingers between his and plucked soft, wet kisses from my lips. There was no more crazed heat between us, just a slow, steady burn. And although part of me wanted to sit up and climb him like a tree, the other, softer part never wanted this sweet embrace to end. We kissed for so long I lost track of time, and soon all that existed was Dan, enveloping me with his warm, gentle mouth. At some point I must have started to cry, because he finally stopped and caught a tear on the side of my face with his thumb.
 “Don't cry.”
 “I'm not. Am I?” And then I let out a choked sob, answering my own question.
 “I'm sorry,” he said as he sat up. “I shouldn't have started this.”
 Dan stopped drying his hands on the dishtowel. “How do your lips feel?” He was right behind me. I turned around, expecting to see a teasing gleam in his eyes, but they weren't teasing. At all.
 “They might be a little itchy,” I whispered. He was so close. He smelled really, really good. I followed the nervous dip of his Adams apple, then reached up and pressed my lips to his cheek.
 “Lexi,” he breathed.
 “Kiss me.” He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. That wasn't what I meant.
 He opened his mouth to speak, but words didn't come.
 “What?” I prompted.
 “If I kiss you, I'll never stop.” I took a stuttering breath as he traced the curve of my jaw with his finger. His eyes were so dark—they went right through me. I reached for his hand and placed it on my cheek.
 That touch, or something in my eyes, must have released whatever was left of his reticence, because suddenly I was in his arms, his embrace tight, his lips hot and demanding on mine. Our mouths opened at the same time, as if by agreement, and we wrestled each other with our tongues. His had a sharp, frantic taste, and it made me gasp with pleasure.
 His lips still on mine, he began to drag me from the kitchen. I reached blindly for the stove, twisting off the burner under the saucepan so I didn't torch the place.
 “Hmph,” he grunted against my mouth, congratulating me on my display of fire safety. We made it to the couch, and I shoved his shirt up, high on his chest. My hands explored the contours of his body, caressing the sexy spattering of dark curls, tiny c's traveling down his stomach. He was trim and hard, his shoulders broad, hips narrow, as if he spent his days doing gymnastics instead of writing market analyses. He growled low in his throat as I scraped my nails across his ribcage.
 As I moved closer to his waistband, he diverted me, pushing me down and kissing my cheeks and throat. Then he laced my fingers between his and plucked soft, wet kisses from my lips. There was no more crazed heat between us, just a slow, steady burn. And although part of me wanted to sit up and climb him like a tree, the other, softer part never wanted this sweet embrace to end. We kissed for so long I lost track of time, and soon all that existed was Dan, enveloping me with his warm, gentle mouth. At some point I must have started to cry, because he finally stopped and caught a tear on the side of my face with his thumb.
 “Don't cry.”
 “I'm not. Am I?” And then I let out a choked sob, answering my own question.
 “I'm sorry,” he said as he sat up. “I shouldn't have started this.”
New Review of Turn to You from Manic Readers
"Ben and Amy meet when she tutors him in German in preparation for a spy mission into Germany. They only have a matter of weeks, but they fall in love. She’s a war widow, and fears the heartache of losing another man. He doesn’t want to commit to her because he doesn’t know if he will come back from his mission.
When he does return, scarred and on crutches, can she love him as he is now? They flaunt the social mores of the time to live together, and people in their town begin to give them a bad time about it. Will they both overcome fears and trepidations to marry? Their conflicts need to be overcome, and then they need to let each other know what their goals are.
Turn to You is a great modern historical about the Second World War. I enjoyed the characters and the story. Well written, interesting background story, nice little love tale which I liked a lot."
When he does return, scarred and on crutches, can she love him as he is now? They flaunt the social mores of the time to live together, and people in their town begin to give them a bad time about it. Will they both overcome fears and trepidations to marry? Their conflicts need to be overcome, and then they need to let each other know what their goals are.
Turn to You is a great modern historical about the Second World War. I enjoyed the characters and the story. Well written, interesting background story, nice little love tale which I liked a lot."
Monday, July 4, 2011
Join Evernight Publishing's Sizzling Summer Blog Hop
Join Us for some Summer Sizzle at the Evernight Publishing blog hop!
Each author's blog you visit and comment on, you're entered to win a book or other fun give-away. In the meantime you'll get to sample all the writers at Evernight...and there are lots of great ones!
This hop runs from July 5-to July 8. Winners will be announced July 9.
Here's a list of the prizes you can win:
Shannan Albright - 1st prize: PDF of Dark Passion Rising PLUS $15.00 Amazon Gift Card
2nd prize: PDF of 'Twas A Dark and Delicious Christmas
Karyn Gerrard - PDF of Timeless Heart
Carolyn Rosewood- PDF of Hunted -Due for release in July
L Saint James- PDFof Master of Mine
D.F.Krieger-PDF of Sail My Oceans
Angelina Rain- PDF of Master Mine
Kelly Yerkle- PDF Timless
Emma Shortt- PDF of The Kiss or The Valentine's Fae (your choice)
Stacey Espino - Any 2 books from her backlist
Pepper Anthony - PDF Naked Treats
Claire Matthews - PDF Intimate Friends - Due to release in August
Alexandra O'Hurley- PDF The Lottery.
Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy- PDF's Love Tattoo AND Love Scars
Delilah Hunt- PDF Riding the Storm
Fionn Jameson - 3 PDF's of Blood Wish and 2 PDF winners for her Blood Martyr Series 1-5
Avril Ashton - PDF Make Me Sweat
Each author's blog you visit and comment on, you're entered to win a book or other fun give-away. In the meantime you'll get to sample all the writers at Evernight...and there are lots of great ones!
This hop runs from July 5-to July 8. Winners will be announced July 9.
Here's a list of the prizes you can win:
Shannan Albright - 1st prize: PDF of Dark Passion Rising PLUS $15.00 Amazon Gift Card
2nd prize: PDF of 'Twas A Dark and Delicious Christmas
Karyn Gerrard - PDF of Timeless Heart
Carolyn Rosewood- PDF of Hunted -Due for release in July
L Saint James- PDFof Master of Mine
D.F.Krieger-PDF of Sail My Oceans
Angelina Rain- PDF of Master Mine
Kelly Yerkle- PDF Timless
Emma Shortt- PDF of The Kiss or The Valentine's Fae (your choice)
Stacey Espino - Any 2 books from her backlist
Pepper Anthony - PDF Naked Treats
Claire Matthews - PDF Intimate Friends - Due to release in August
Alexandra O'Hurley- PDF The Lottery.
Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy- PDF's Love Tattoo AND Love Scars
Delilah Hunt- PDF Riding the Storm
Fionn Jameson - 3 PDF's of Blood Wish and 2 PDF winners for her Blood Martyr Series 1-5
Avril Ashton - PDF Make Me Sweat
Nice Review for Turn To You on Whipped Cream Reviews
Here's a nice review of Turn To You from Whipped Cream Reviews:
This story is a bittersweet World War II, Christmas romance with a happy, satisfying ending. I think it’s wonderful seeing more romances set in the earlier 20th century. This story has a good vintage feel. It’s easy to picture it as really happening in the 1940s. The use of language is accurate for the time and I didn’t catch any anachronisms. The heroine is believable as a widow of her time and the hero could have stepped out of “Destination Tokyo”. An excellent job creating vintage characters.
Amy Maddox’s character is easy to sympathize with as a war widow who is lonely and who needs some loving, both physical and emotional, in her life. She’s strong yet vulnerable inside. She tutors the hero in German and shares her home cooking with him as he is greatly missing such TLC from a woman. They become sexually attracted and attraction turns into something deeper. Sergeant Ben Schuester is a sweet-hearted beta hero who is still very much a man. His concern for Amy’s feelings and sensual pleasure makes him a sympathetic hero.
These are young people who are falling into real love for the first time in their lives so the story has a certain sweetness that is appealing. The pressures and impending separation of the war adds a bitter element that adds tension and poignancy to the short story.
The sex is plentiful with lots of strong emotion. A perfectly satisfying conclusion in this story. I enjoyed it very much.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Six Sentence Sunday, 7/3/11
From my current WIP:
“What are you doing here?”
He put his hand on my arm. “I just popped by to see what was up.”
I tried to smile, but started crying instead. I knew it would piss Dan off so I tried to stop, but the tears had a mind of their own, so I just sat there, gulping and sobbing. “Shit,” I whispered.
“It's okay. You're okay.”
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Six Sentence Sunday
This excerpt is from "Intimate Friends", an upcoming release from Evernight Publishing:
"Em," he groaned, but it was more like a choked sigh, and she pushed his boxers down slowly with one hand, maintaining her grip on him, while he slid her panties off in a fevered daze. He felt himself dripping with excitement, because this was Emma, and he loved her, and he wanted her, more than he'd ever wanted anyone or anything in his life. He had to kiss her, so he shifted her, maybe a bit too roughly, and took her mouth with his, meeting her tongue with heat and passion and need, biting at her lips, and letting out a shocked grunt when she bit back. She moaned his name again, and oh Jesus...he was so hard, he was worried he would come right there, right then, in her hand, and he couldn't...
"Em, wait," he cried hoarsely. She stopped, stunned, and looked at him with huge, surprised eyes.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
I'm a finalist!
Surprisingly enough, I'm a finalist in 1 Place For Romance's Novella contest. If you are so inclined, the link to vote for my story is here. Oh, and I got this little icon I'm supposed to display, so here it is:
The guy in the icon looks a little like Clutch Cargo, dontcha think?
The guy in the icon looks a little like Clutch Cargo, dontcha think?
Six Sentence Sunday
6/19/11 Happy Father's Day! Here's a Six Sentence Sunday except from Turn To You
“Amy,” he managed to choke, before she grabbed his coat sleeve and pulled him inside, closing the door firmly behind him. “Amy, I’m sorry, I wanted to call, but I had to go with some officers into town”—she buried her face in his chest as he continued, her ponytail bobbing under his chin—”and they said ‘all work
and no play, Schuester’…” he rambled, as her hands reached down and grabbed his, warming his bare fingers with her touch, “…and I couldn’t get to a telephone…and they wouldn’t stop drinking beer…oh…” He sighed as her head moved up and her warm lips touched the pulse point on his neck, making it race.
“Ben,” she whispered against his skin, her breath cooling the wet spot that her lips had left behind. Her hands moved up and under his coat, peeling it off his shoulders and letting it fall to his feet.
Turn To You is on sale now at
Claire Matthews. Turn to You (Kindle Locations 322-329).
“Amy,” he managed to choke, before she grabbed his coat sleeve and pulled him inside, closing the door firmly behind him. “Amy, I’m sorry, I wanted to call, but I had to go with some officers into town”—she buried her face in his chest as he continued, her ponytail bobbing under his chin—”and they said ‘all work

“Ben,” she whispered against his skin, her breath cooling the wet spot that her lips had left behind. Her hands moved up and under his coat, peeling it off his shoulders and letting it fall to his feet.
Turn To You is on sale now at
Claire Matthews. Turn to You (Kindle Locations 322-329).
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